— [https://goo.gl/MX79ce] This episode is _______________________about sizing up the history of modeling and how it's influenced beauty culture at large.
- Stuff Mom Never Told You Podcast: Jungle - 13sec
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Cristen and Caroline: A History of Fashion Modeling, Feb 23, 2015, MP3 - 51min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: High heels are a popular fashion accoutrement for modern women, but they also cause foot and knee problems. So why do women still wear them?, Aug 10, 2009, MP3 - 31min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Caroline and Cristen: Most modern women wear bras on a daily basis, but why? Do bras serve any purpose?, Nov 11, 2009, MP3 - 23min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Molly and Cristen: These days, a majority of modern women carry a handbag of some sort. Why do women carry handbags?, Oct 13, 2010, MP3 - 25min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Historically, men have always worn makeup. But now, wearing makeup is seen as effeminate. Why don't men wear makeup?, June 15, 2011, MP3 - 18min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Whether or not you're a fan of thongs, there's no denying that they attract attention. Who invented the thong?, Jan 4, 2012, MP3 - 32min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: When did women start wearing pants?, Oct 16, 2013, MP3 - 37min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Cristen and Caroline: The history of women's underwear is probably shorter than you think. A History of Panties, Jan 19, 2015, MP3 - 53min
- Stuff Mom Never Told You: Cristen and Caroline: Why can't women go topless?, Aug 17, 2015, MP3 - 50min
"Cuestiones de bioética relativas a la transexualidad y el transgénero" (2014) Revista de Bioética y Derecho, Universitat de Barcelona. No. 30. 21-39.
"¿Buen sexo o sexo de verdad? Perspectivas sobre la regulación del género" (Good sex or true sex? Perspectives on gender governance), Quaderns de Psicologia, Dossier "Deconstrucción de la psicopatología: actualización y retos de investigación", Teresa Cabruja (ed) (2013). Vol 15, No 1. 45-46.
"Muñecas que hablan. Ética y estética de los modelos de belleza en publicidad y moda" en Josep Martí (ed) Dossier La presentación social del cuerpo en el contexto de la globalización y la multiculturalidad, Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, vol. LXVII, n.o 1, pp. 115-146, enero-junio 2012.
"Aesthetic (Dis)Orders: Styling Principles in Fashion Modelling"; Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, Vol. 2, Issue 1& 2, (2011). 185-205.
"‘Having Words For Everything'. Institutionalising Gender Migration in Spain (1998-2008)", Sexualities, Law and Sexuality, Volume 14 Issue 3 June 2011. 334 -353. (co-authored with Coll-Planas, Gerard).
"Transsexualism in Spain. A Cultural and Legal Perspective", Sociological Research Online, Vol 12 (1), 2007.
(2007) "Abrir Posibilidades. Entrevista con Judith Butler", Lectora, Vol. 13, Spain. 217-239. (co-authored with Beatriz Preciado)
"El “sexo” y la Matriz Heterosexual. Aspectos teóricos y empíricos de una reconstrucción sociológica de la teoría performativa de género de Judith Butler", Riff-Raff, Vol 34, 2006, Universidad de Zaragoza. 127-142.
"In-Transit: La transexualidad como migración de género", Género y Migraciones, Asparkía. Investigació Feminista 15, Publicacions de l’Universitat Jaume I, 2005, Castelló (Spain). 207-232.
"Modelling Femininity" in Spectacular Women, European Journal of Women Studies, Sage, 11(3), 2004, London. 309-326.
"Supermodelos como emblema cultural", Historia, Antropología y Fuentes Orales 22, 1999, Barcelona. 105-11.
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