A great story about perspective. The theme of the story is the difference between how we view something depending on our background. Patric...
English — Morphology - Word derivation: CONSTITUTION
Morphology: Rules on complex word formation. Phonetics, Linguistics - Photo: illustration University studies | — Madeirinha ...
Power of — and Restraints on Presidents and Prime Ministers
Economy: Sir Geoffrey Howe speech draft on trade unions (MT: "the press will crucify you for this"). University | — Madeirinh...
English — Students Convince each Other of What to Read
When students convince each other of what to read. University | — Madeirinha — Benjamin Madeira — Teaching English reading - Ph...
Humanities — Atheist Experience - 2014 episodes - Youtube, Videos
If the dark is just a thought / Then the light is in your mind / The lies we tell ourselves / Will ruin the world with time / Did you feel...
Humanities — Atheist Experience - 2013 episodes - Youtube, Videos
If the dark is just a thought / Then the light is in your mind / The lies we tell ourselves / Will ruin the world with time / Did you feel t...
English — Teaching 10th-Grade Students, Lower Secondary School
A fantastically unusual detective story written from the perspective of a 15-year-old autistic boy, who is obsessed with maths, science and...