— [http://goo.gl/p4uqgO] 🍅 La Tomatina, la 'sangrienta' batalla de tomates en España_______________________Buñol, Valencia
:: RT: La Tomatina http://goo.gl/p4uqgO es la fiesta más popular que se celebra en Buñol, Valencia, y se repite cada año el último miércoles de agosto. | #Tomates #JugoDeTomate #SalsaDeTomate #Fiesta
El origen de la Tomatina se sitúa en 1944 cuando, según se dice, al paso de un desfile de gigantes y cabezudos, aquellos que no habían podido participar empezaron una batalla campal con los participantes y ambos bandos acabaron arrojándose verduras unos a otros. La batalla de tomates se repitió al año siguiente y después de sucesivas permisiones y prohibiciones la Tomatina se instauró como fiesta oficial en 1959.
"Fiestas de España: La Tomatina" PDF ::
La Tomatina - Google Doodle ::
Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service
La Tomatina de Buñol, Valencia, España ::
Throwing Tomatoes at La Tomatina Festival, Bunol, Spain: World's Biggest Food Fight! ::
La historia de La Tomatina: todo comenzó el último miércoles de agosto del año 1945, cuando unos jóvenes pasaban el rato en la Plaza del Pueblo para presenciar el desfile de gigantes y cabezudos y otros actos de la fiesta. Los chicos decidieron hacerse un hueco dentro de la comitiva de un desfile con músicos, gigantes y cabezudos. El ímpetu de los jóvenes hizo que cayera un participante que, preso de la ira, empezó a golpear todo lo que encontraba a su paso. Por un capricho del destino, allí había un puesto
ResponderEliminarde verduras que fue pasto de la multitud enfurecida: la gente empezó a tirarse tomates de unos a otros hasta que las fuerzas del orden público pusieron fin a aquella batalla vegetal.
Al año siguiente, los jóvenes repitieron el altercado de forma voluntaria y llevaron los tomates de su casa. Aunque la policía disolvió en sucesivos años la reciente tradición, los chicos, sin saber nada, habían hecho historia. La Tomatina fue prohibida a principios de los 50, cosa que no disuadió a sus participantes que llegaron a ser, incluso, detenidos. Pero el pueblo habló y la fiesta volvió a permitirse, uniéndose más participantes y tornándose cada vez más frenética.
La fiesta fue, de nuevo, cancelada hasta 1957, cuando, en señal de protesta, se celebró el entierro del tomate: una manifestación en la que los vecinos portaron un ataúd con un gran tomate dentro. El desfile se acompañó con una banda de música que interpretaba marchas fúnebres y su éxito fue total. Finalmente se permitió la Tomatina y se instauró la fiesta de forma oficial.
La fiesta comenzó a ser popular en el resto de España gracias al reportaje de Javier Basilio, emitido en el programa de Televisión Española Informe semanal en 1983.Desde entonces, año a año crece el número de participantes y el entusiasmo por La Tomatina. El éxito ha llevado a que La Tomatina de Buñol fuera declarada en 2002 Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional por la Secretaría General de Turismo
La Tomatina – The Tomato Festival 🍅
EliminarEvery year on the last Wednesday of August, there is a strange battle to be seen in the Valencian town of Buñol. Within the borders of Spain it is as famous an event as the running of the bulls in San Fermin, although it is not quite as well known abroad. 🍅
It is the famous La Tomatina, the tomato festival, in which thousands of people throw tons and tons of tomatoes at each other! The tomatoes are supplied by the town hall, and they are all over ripe in order not to do damage to anybody. People come from all over Spain to participate in this spectacle, which has in a way become a victim of its own success, as there are so many people that it is now almost impossible to get to the center of the city where the battle takes place. 🍅
A brief history of La Tomatina
It all started in August 1945 when there was a procession of ‘Giants and Bigheads’ in the village square. Some young people started messing around and pushed the participants in the procession, presumably because they wanted to take part as well. One of the participants fell over and got so angry that he started to hit everybody within reach, and a big fight ensued. Somebody grabbed the tomatoes from a nearby vegetable stall and people started throwing them at each other. However, the police soon interfered and broke up the fight. The responsible party was fined and made to pay the damages. 🍅
The following year the youngsters repeated the battle, only this time they had brought their own tomatoes. Once again the police broke it up, but the same thing repeated itself year after year until it became an unofficially established festival. 🍅
However, in the early fifties the town hall prohibited the festival, which nevertheless went on as if nothing had happened. The participants were arrested and put in prison. People now started petitioning for the festival to be made legal, and they were so persistent that the town hall eventually gave in. But unfortunately the next year the crowd became very unruly and threw tomatoes and water at everybody, so also people who only wanted to watch got hit, amongst them some rather important local dignitaries, so the festival was banned again. 🍅
In 1955 as a protest the people of Buñol celebrated the ‘Funeral of the Tomato’. They carried a coffin with a big tomato inside through the town accompanied by a band which played funeral music. In 1957 the festival was finally approved for good, and it has been celebrated every year ever since then on the last Wednesday of the month of August. 🍅
The sunny Mediterranean city of Valencia in Spain is world-renowned for its tasty and succulent oranges. And just thirty miles away is Buñol, another town just as famous for its produce. But its notoriety comes from the locals' habit of wearing the produce as well as tasting it: every year, Buñol hosts La Tomatina, the world's largest vegetable fight. Situated only 30 kilometers inland from the Mediterranean Sea, and well-connected by motorway and rail to Madrid and Valencia, this charming town erupts into a fiery blaze of tomato-hurling on the last Wednesday of every August.
EliminarThe batalla (“battle”) takes place during a week-long celebration filled with on-going festivities and with even greater anticipation for the monstrous tomato battle that serves as the culmination of the week's events.