— [http://goo.gl/vqsD1j] It is a commonplace of discussion about the impact of visual media functions irrationally. _______________________But, does it?
:: RT: http://goo.gl/vqsD1j Arguing against the claim that
the impact of visual media, whether visual images in print, televisual images or the images of the internet, functions irrationally | #Ads #ESL #Education #Pedagogy #English #StudyNotes #UniversityStudies #Writing #Advertising #CreativeWriting #Advertisements
While the ESL students are improving when it comes to analyzing
how an argument develops, they still struggle with how to identify the logical fallacies of an argument and the flaws that affect the conceptual foundation of the argument. I’m going to play them these videos and ask them the following:
- Literally, what is the primary argument of these videos?
- In the larger sense, what is being suggested by the different ads?
- What logic is used to present the argument?
- What evidence is used to defend the position? To what extent does it actually support the claim?
- What holes or flaws can you find within the argument?
- What errors exist in the ads' reasoning?
Even though these videos may not lend themselves to deep analysis, I think they remind students the importane of examining the actual argument and serves as a good introduction to argument analysis as a whole.
"[...] ads, [...], typically use arguments of a kind that are easily recognizable as fitting structures of kinds known in argumentation studies " (
Walton, Douglas, 2009. Web.).
Structures commonly found in the examples are argumentation schemes, standardized forms of reasoning representing stereotypical kinds of arguments (Walton, Reed and Macagno, 2008 [[Walton, 2008] Douglas Walton. Three bases for the enthymeme: a dialectical theory. Journal of Applied Logic, 6:361–379, 2008]) and enthymemes, arguments with implicit premises or conclusions (Walton and Reed, 2005 [[Walton and Reed, 2005] Douglas Walton and Chris Reed. Argumentation schemes and enthymemes. Synthese, 145:339–370, 2005.]; Walton, 2008)
"Enthymemes and Argumentation Schemes in Health Product Ads": This paper applies argument visualization tools to selected examples of health product commercial ads to work up analyses that reveal interesting aspects of the structure of arguments used in the ads, by Douglas Walton, Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor, PDF ::
Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service
Intro To Persuasive Text using TV commercials. This video is a collection of 4 commercials used to help students understand elements of persuasive text. Parallel commercials for persuasive text examples include: Emotional Appeal (Horse/Dog), Exaggeration (Doritos), Bandwagon (Chuck E Cheese), and Loaded Words (Frosted Flakes)
Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service
Microsoft Surface - Commercial HD. The first TV spot for the Surface tablets, Directed by Jon M. Chu, Oct. 2012. What is the BEST tablet ever? Convinced?
Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service
Leo Messi - The New Speed of Light - Adidas Football. 'The New Speed of Light' captures the footballing genius of Leo Messi like you've never seen before. Exploring the moves that make him the best in the world in intricate detail through the use of light.
Adidas wants to convince you that Adidas shoes are as good as Lionel Messi. Do you buy it? Get your shoes on!
Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service
Apple - iPod + iTunes (Jet - Are you Gonna Be My Girl) Ad. Apple wants to convince you that iPod is your best choice. Of course it is! Don't you agree?
Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service
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