— [http://goo.gl/cRPwgj] Argumentative/Persuasive Text using UK TV commercials. _______________________Videos/PDF

:: RT: Creating http://goo.gl/cRPwgj one writing activity related to argumentative/persuasive text | #Ads #ESL #Education #Pedagogy #English #StudyNotes #UniversityStudies #Writing #Advertising #CreativeWriting #Advertisements #ELLs

While the ESL students are improving when it comes to analyzing how an argument develops, they still struggle with how to identify the logical fallacies of an argument and the flaws that affect the conceptual foundation of the argument. I’m going to play them these videos and ask them the following:

  • Literally, what is the primary argument of these videos?

  • In the larger sense, what is being suggested by the different ads?

  • What logic is used to present the argument?

  • What evidence is used to defend the position? To what extent does it actually support the claim?

  • What holes or flaws can you find within the argument?

  • What errors exist in the ads' reasoning?

Even though these videos may not lend themselves to deep analysis, I think they remind students the importane of examining the actual argument and serves as a good introduction to argument analysis as a whole.

#1: I am writing a whole text where I describe 1 writing activity my students have to do in the ESL classroom. They have to write a text where they argue/convince their readers.

#2: In my whole text I am explaining my markers how I would organize my writing project together with my students.

#3: I am writing how I am going to guide (scaffold) my students in the writing project, etc.

#4: I am writing what is the purpose of the writing activity.

#5: I am explaining/arguing the way I am going to work with the writing method I have chosen.

I am gathering my students in small groups and have them to watch the 14 most effective adverts/commercials from the UK below, and then write a manuscript of their own adverts based on the ads they just have watched, and then set their own ads up. Their writing/ads have to be argumentative/persuasive using the Twitter app Periscope or any other digital device of their preference. Why is this useful? My focus is the digital writing and digital storytelling.

Creating one writing activity related to argumentative/persuasive text at lower secondary school in Norway, 2015; Pedagogy, Benjamin Madeira, PDF ::

Creating one writing activity at lower secondary school in Norway, PDF - Official Website - BenjaminMadeira

Creating one writing activity related to argumentative / persuasive writing ::

There are many approaches to teach writing. Digital and creative writing can be used as an effective language learning tool in a comfortable environment, not in the ‘monotony of the ESL classroom’ (Maley 1). Digital and creative writing can develop great self-confidence and self-esteem among learners because they can experiment with multimodal learning without pressures. Thus, promoting personal growth, maturation as well as increase linguistic intelligence. Digital and creative writing can also assist ESL learners improve grammar, argue and persuade a general public expressed through the English language, expand their lexis and knowledge on the English language sound system (Maley 1). Because young individuals are engaged with digital media, they are likely to enjoy writing using digital technology (Erstad 59).

Persuasive writing in the ESL classroom at lower secondary school in Norway ::

This paper focuses on how to scaffold tenth-grade students in a short, familiar, digital, persuasive writing in the ESL classroom at lower secondary school in Norway. We are starting a two-week writing project related to argumentative/persuasive writing working through the sequence of modelling, scaffolding.

This assignment correlates to the requirements of the English subject curriculum ::

When planning to help the students build their writing competence, I make sure that this assignment correlates to the requirements of the English subject curriculum (LK06). The planned writing activity covers two main areas in learning the English language. Students will 1) write down their argumentative / persuasive text on a given topic in the ESL classroom (written communication, use different writing strategies, general vocabulary related to different topics, different sources as a bases for writing [model-writing], being able to express ideas and opinions, argue and persuade a general public, in well-structured and coherent texts), and 2) culture, society; they will explain features of the society in the UK, create own texts inspired by short persuasive video clip and cultural forms of expression. (LK06 8-9).

Stimulate students' imagination ::

This writing activity aims to stimulate students' imagination while helping them produce a multimodal assignment related to familiar environment within argumentative / persuasive text production. Imagination is the basis of all creative activity; it is undoubtedly an important component of all aspects of cultural life. ESL students will carry out the digital and creative writing while accomplishing the requirements of the English subject curriculum (KUF1994, 1996: 4; LK06). It has been my experience that utilizing students’ prior knowledge on technological literacy provides them with the inspiration necessary to create texts.

Scaffolding by experts ::

The scaffolding during this writing activity will be carried out by me, by modeling aids and by peer-to-peer guidance/small groups of three members each.

Vocabulary related the topic ::

Before setting this writing task, ESL students had acquired some vocabulary related the topic of this writing activity and we also had discussed what argumentation and persuasion are, which will make a discernible impact when writing/producing their own digital writing.

The purpose of writing a text ::

When starting a writing activity it is vital that mentors guide their students to find the purpose of writing a text. When “considering who [their] audience is before [they] write shapes what [they] write” (Gallagher 129-130). In order to find the purpose of writing a text tenth-grade students have to decode the writing prompts, which should be clearly exposed accordingly to the students’ English level. Furthermore, word choice and orthography must be also correct. The genre and writing acts must be familiar to tenth-grade students. In addition, the roles and audience should be clearly specified in the prompt (Normann Lessons 3; Lesson 4).

Persuasive adverts / commercials ::

The modeling effective argumentative / persuasive aids are the most effective / persuasive adverts / commercials from the UK TV.

Modeling the writing task ::

Before students begin to watch the advertisements from the British TV, and start their writing activity, we watch one of the ads, and I model the writing task on the smart board while explaining step by step as they watch and may ask questions. For this purpose, I utilize one of Gallagher’s advice (123) when using writing models, namely: ‘taking a stand.’ I explain them that the writer of the text in the ad was seeking to persuade audiences to accept a particular position on a product they wanted to sell. Further, I explain them that they also can persuade audiences to accept a particular position on a controversial issue, such as “Instant replay should be allowed in soccer,” “Well-known sport teams should get involved in political campaigns” (Gallagher 123), and so on.

Materials ::

Materials to be used when working with this writing activity: information and communication technologies (ICTs): microcomputers, tablets, iPads, touch pads, cell-phones, cameras, websites, apps, social networking.

Presenting a decodable prompt for the students. ::

In class, watch the 14 most effective adverts/commercials from the UK TV and then choose only one; the one you prefer.

When you have chosen one ad, you will get the file on your laptop. Put on your headphones and watch the advertisement again, pausing it if needed.

Write down in English the message you hear in the video and explain in your own words, in English, how they will convince you to buy their product.

Collaborate in groups of three and write together, in English, your text based on the message of the ad you just have watched/written.

Then, create your own advertisement in English. Convert your text into an ad.

Remember that your ad has to have an argumentative / persuasive text.

You don’t have to create an ad on selling a product, but it has to be a persuasive clip. You have to convince a general public why they should buy the product or why they should do what you are advertising. Make them buy or do it by using your words.

Use the Twitter app Periscope or any other digital device of your preference to create your own ad.

You can write as yourselves or pretending to be someone else, whoever. Remember that everybody will be able to watch your video clip.

You don’t have to appear on the video if you don’t want to; you can use pictures, moving images, your own drawings or doodles when you create your video, but record your own voice.

If you decide to use someone else’s pictures, you have to write down its source and include it visible on screen.

Insulting and cyber-bullying is not allowed when writing your text. Use standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your short text.

When the class is over you all three can continue on working with your digital and creative assignment.

Send me your first-draft text as a computer file, for example, in itsLearning, and I will send you a video feedback before our next class.

Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service

Model sentences ::

When developing the writing activities in the ESL classroom, their teacher can model sentences –sentence starters– if necessary while the students give rise to something new (Normann lesson 7).

Collaboration without boundaries ::

Students will utilize social media or any other digital technologies at each stage of the writing process, which will make collaborative work much flexible to carry on – collaboration without boundaries (DeVoss 23-24).

Online video feedback ::

Their ESL teacher gives all small groups online video feedback during and after the assignment process. Being online makes learning more participatory. Teachers should embrace short video feedback as a way of giving feed forward response on texts. The recorded descriptive feedback video should be creatively made so it can increase motivation in the recipient; this way, it will assist in facilitating their learning capabilities. It is even more helpful if the teacher provides readable written comments when commenting orally. Besides, it should emphasize strengths, identify challenges and point to the next steps. It should focus on the writing structure, rather than in the language aspects in a first stage of a writing activity to help the students move their work forward (Nation 94; Normann Lessons 11). Students who have difficulties in reading will find the use of the video as the best way of learning. Various studies confirm the fact that “students prefer receiving feedback in the format of sound or video instead of exclusively in written form” (Mathisen 100, 105).

Conclusion ::

If ESL teachers want their students to be better writers, their learners have to write more often, preferably every lesson, and the writing has to be engaging (Normann Lesson 1). By engaging the students in a digital writing activity, the educator will encourage them to reproduce something they have mastered earlier. This activity was based on student needs and technological competencies, “teaching students overtly based on the skills –technological skills– that they have when they enter the [ESL] [classroom]” (Rowsell 56).

Watch some adverts for sweets AND "Write a TV advertisement." How is the advert trying to persuade someone to eat that chocolate or those sweets? PDF ::

Write a TV advertisement, PDF - Official Website - BenjaminMadeira


Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service


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• [3] Gallagher, Kelly. Teaching Adolescent Writers. Portland, Me: Stenhouse Publishers, 2006. Print.

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• [6] LK06, ‘English subject curriculum,’ revised version (Aug. 2013) The Norwegian LK06, in English; The Norwegian LK06, in Norwegian. Utdanningsdirektoratet (Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research).

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• [11] Rowsell, Jennifer, and Maureen Walsh. Rethinking Literacy Education in New Times: Multimodality, Multiliteracies, & New Literacies. Brock Education, Volume 21, No. 1, Fall 2011, 53-62. Print.

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