— [http://goo.gl/DaE24c] Sappho, poet, courtesan, bisexual, victim, penned immortal verse on the intense power of the female libido;_______________________on the themes of romance, love, yearning, heartbreak, and personal relationships with women.

:: RT: SAPPHO and THE WORLD OF LESBIAN POETRY ▶ https://goo.gl/7uov0N ◀ One of the great Greek lyrists and few known female poets of the ancient world, Sappho was born some time between 630 and 612 BC. She was an aristocrat who married a prosperous merchant, and she had a daughter named Cleis. Her wealth afforded her with the opportunity to live her life as she chose, and she chose to spend it studying the arts on the isle of Lesbos. | #English #Language #EnglishHistory #OldEnglish #Podcast #History #Sappho #Lesbos

We cannot understand what a language is until we know its history. More than for most subjects, history is the key to language, because the very fabric of a language – its vocabulary, its grammar, its spelling, and so on – is a living record of its past. From the middle of the fifth century (450AD) and for the next 100 years or so waves of migrating tribes from beyond the North Sea brought their Germanic dialects to Britain. These tribes are traditionally identified as Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

English is said to be a Germanic language, but why is it that more than half of its words are of Latin or Romance origin? Why do we sometimes have a wide choice of words to express more or less the same thing? And what is to blame for the chaotic English spelling? We can point to some crucial events, such as the coming of Christianity or the Norman invasion, and study texts from these and other periods to find a pattern in the weave of the language. So where do we begin? Long before any Roman legions sailed across what we now know as the Straits of Dover, the British Isles were inhabited by various Celtic tribes.

The Poetry of Sappho, Translation and Notes by Jim Powell. Oxford University Press, 2007.


MP3 — «The History of the English Language» :: The lesbian from Lesbos and Greek Love Songs.


"The Poetry of Sappho," Translation and Notes by Jim Powell. Oxford University Press, 2007, PDF ::

The Poetry of Sappho, Translation and Notes by Jim Powell, PDF - Official Website - BenjaminMadeira

"The Adventure of English" is a British television series (ITV) on the history of the English language presented by Melvyn Bragg. The series ran in 2003. "Birth of a Language", "English Goes Underground", "The Battle for the Language of the Bible", This Earth, This Realm, This England", "English in America", "Speaking Proper", "The Language of Empire", "Many Tongues Called English, One World Language" ::

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