— [http://goo.gl/t0F9Vt] Theory and practice of education; the study and practice of how best to teach.
The expression "
best practice" was originally borrowed from the professions of medicine, law, and architecture, where "good practice" and "best practice" are everyday phrases used to describe solid, reputable, state-of-the-art work in a field. If a professional is following best practice standards, he or she is aware of current research and consistently offers clients the full benefi ts of the latest knowledge, technology, and procedures. If a doctor, for example, does not follow contemporary standards of medicine and a case turns out badly, peers may criticize his decisions and treatments by saying something like, "That was simply not best practice."
:: RT: Some pedagogical theory and practice: "The single most powerful variable in student achievement is the quality of teaching. But what does quality mean? What does it look like in real classrooms?" - Best Practice in Writing in the ESL Classroom | #CharlesWhitaker #English #StudyNotes #ESL #UniversityStudies #Writing #EnglishAsASecondLanguage
Until recently, we haven’t had an everyday term for state-of-the-art work in education. In fact, some veteran teachers would even deny the need for a current, research-based standard of instruction. "I just give ’em the basics," such teachers say. "It’s worked just fi ne for thirty years, and I don’t go for any of this newfangled mumbo-jumbo." One wonders how long such self-satisfi ed teachers would continue going to a doctor who says: "I practice medicine exactly the same way today that I did thirty years ago. I haven’t changed a thing. I don’t pay any attention to all that newfangled mumbo-jumbo—MRIs, vaccines, antibiotics, and such." ( Best practice : bringing standards to life in America’s classrooms / Steven Zemelman, Harvey “Smokey” Daniels, and Arthur Hyde.—4th ed., 2012)
Following is a list of selected teaching practices that are well recognized in the profession as being effective in helping students develop as writers.
Making Writing Meaningful: How teachers use authentic sources and topics to prompt students to write about things that matter to them, subjects that relate to their lives, relationships, and communities. The topic may be the students themselves—their feelings, emotions, reactions—or it may involve outside forces that have an impact on their lives. (English audio) ::
Writing Lessons : How to Teach Writing Skills to ESL Students, by Laura Minnegerode, a writing instructor and former classroom teacher. (English audio) ::
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