— [http://goo.gl/bTQ1uD] It will give insight into how individuals think and live in the English-speaking world._______________________Norwegian Curriculum of English

:: RT: English subject curriculum http://goo.gl/bTQ1uD The Norwegian national curriculum | #Education #LK06 #KUF #Pedagogy #English #ESL #EFL #Curriculum #Norway

In Norway, children start school at the age of six, and attend a 10-year obligatory school that contains primary school (first to seventh grade) and lower secondary school (eighth to tenth grade). They start learning English, which has been a compulsory subject since the 1960s, in the first grade. In primary school and lower secondary school the total of all the English lessons is 588. When learners have finished lower secondary school, they decide which upper secondary school and which programme they would like to attend. The choices they make at 16 years of age decide what the next step of their education will be. Upper secondary education leads either to an occupation or entrance to universities or colleges.

There are two directions to choose from in upper secondary education: vocational and general programmes. The vocational programmes lead to a specific occupation and there are nine different programmes: 1) agriculture, fishing and forestry, 2) building and construction, 3) design, arts and crafts, 4) electricity and electronics, 5) healthcare, childhood and youth development, 6) media and communication, 7) restaurant and food processing, 8) service and transport and 9) technical and industrial production. These programmes consist of two years in school and two years in an apprenticeship. When the students have finished the four years, they receive a crafts -or journeyman’s certificate. There are also possibilities to continue with a third year in school instead of the pprenticeship, and students who choose to do this can gain entry to universities or colleges.

The general programmes consist of three years in school and provide access to higher education. There are three courses to choose from: 1) Music, dance and drama, 2) Specialization in general studies and 3) Sports and physical education.

English is a compulsory subject in both the general and vocational programmes in upper secondary school. In the general programmes, English is a five -hour-a-week course that lasts the whole of the first year. In the vocational programmes the course is spread over the two first years, with three hours the first year and two hours the second year. The same curriculum and learning goals apply to both courses.

The Knowledge Promotion curriculum (LK06) that Norwegian teachers follow was implemented in 2006. There are five basic skills that are integrated in each subject and they are ‘the ability to express oneself orally and in writing, the ability to read, the ability to use digital tools and numeracy’. There are specific competence aims for the second, fourth, seventh and tenth year of primary and lower secondary school and for the first year in general programmes (Vg1) and for the second year in vocational programmes (Vg2). The competence aims are divided among four areas: ‘Language learning, ‘Oral communication’, ‘Written communication’ and ‘Culture, society and literature’. The curriculum was revised in 2013, and the three original main areas have now become four instead of three . The original area ‘Communication’ has now been divided into ‘Written communication’ and ‘Oral communication’.

The ‘Language learning’ goals for the Vg1 and Vg2 students are for the students to able to evaluate different situations, work methods, strategies and resources in how they are developing their English skills. The second area is ‘Oral communication’ and the third area is ‘Written communication’. The goals are to be able to use relevant vocabulary orally and in writing, to understand the content and details of different texts both orally and in writing, to understand the different variations of English, to be able to express oneself orally and in writing in a precise and good way, to be able to communicate spont aneously and when prepared, to use varied language, to use references in a good way, and to use technical and mathematical information in communication.

The fourth and final area is ‘Culture, society and literature’. Important aspects of the goals within this area are to have knowledge about and present, discuss and debate different aspects and topics of the English -speaking world.

The Regulation for the recognition of textbooks used in the Norwegian Unified School, which existed in Norway for over 100 years, was abolished in 2000 (Odelstinget 1-14; Bratholm 1). Instead of a central approval of teaching materials, schools, teachers and parents should obtain more freedom and responsibility, allowing them to determine the selection of textbooks to be used in the classroom itself. Textbook authors are merely asked to develop textbooks in accordance with the relevant curricula.

Any given assignment has to correlate to the requirements of the revised Knowledge Promotion Reform (2013), which is the main framework for the didactic work in Norwegian schools (KUF1994, 1996: 4; LK06, 1-6); it could for instance cover three main areas in learning the English language. Students will 1) learn English by using “different situations, working methods and learning strategies”, and “comment on own work.” It could also cover the 2) oral communication area; students are expected to “understand and use a general vocabulary related to different topics” and “express and justify own opinions about different topics.” 3) Students should “choose and use different reading and writing strategies [...], general vocabulary related to different topics [...], use own notes and different sources as a base for writing,” such as templates, model-writing. They will be able to express ideas and opinions in well-structured and coherent texts (LK06, 8-9, revised version 2013).

The English subject curriculum requires that ESL teachers give their students various assignments, emphasizing the use of different writing strategies in the ESL classroom. Thus, being ESL a school subject with a vast potential for variation, adolescent students will learn English by using “different situations, working methods and learning strategies” (KL06 8); they will learn English by commenting on own written work so they can, for instance, persuade a particular audience not only at school but also outside the ESL classroom.

The Norwegian national curriculum also points out that learning the English language "occurs while encountering a diversity of texts, where the concept of text is used in the broadest sense of the word" (KL06 2). Moreover, [i]t involves [...] written representations in different combinations and a range of [...] written texts from digital media" (KL06 2).

Teachers scaffold students so these are able to "use [...] writing strategies," "understand and use a vocabulary related to [both] familiar [and general] topics" (LK06 7, 9). Students will also learn how to "take notes to create different types of texts" and "write coherent texts that narrate, retell and describe experiences and express own opinions" (LK06 3-4).

Scaffolding can be applied by an advanced partner, such as an instructor, the teacher or a fellow student –peer-to-peer feedback– so other students become "aware of the strategies that are used to learn [the English] language, and strategies that help [them] to understand and to be understood," only then "the acquisition of knowledge and skills becomes easier and more meaningful" and it can also "be an important part of [their] personal development" (LK06 2).

English subject curriculum, the Norwegian national curriculum in English PDF ::

English subject curriculum, the Norwegian national curriculum in English, PDF - Official Website - BenjaminMadeira


Funny clip from movie 'Get Ready to be Boyzvoiced' where band manager Timothy is in an important meeting with record company executive, but his lack of English loses the record deal - Not Every Norwegian Speaks English :: Vurdering med karakter: 0. Kriterier: Ingen interesse. Eleven må ta engelsk på nytt.

Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service

A Conversation in English with Erna Solberg: Prime Minister of Norway, Sept. 2014 :: Vurdering med karakter: 6. Kriterier: Korrekt bruk av språket, klar og god uttale og intonasjon, hun har kunnskaper om kultur- og samfunnsforhold i engelskspråklige land, hun gir utrykk for egne meninger på engelsk, stort og variert/ avansert ordforråd.

Fuente: Youtube, Servicios de Internet | Source: Youtube, Video hosting service


• [1] Bratholm, Berit. "Godkjenningsordningen for lærebøker 1889-2001, en historisk gjennomgang". Høgskolen i Vestfold, 2001. Web. Retrieved on June 2015 from http://goo.gl/usQ1oC

• [2] KUF. 1994. Reform 94. ‘Videregående Opplæring’. [‘Reform of the Structure and Content of Upper Secondary Education.’] Oslo, Norway: Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet.

• [3] KUF. 1996. ‘Læreplanverket for Den 10-Årige Grunnskolen’. L97 [‘Curriculum for the 10-Year Compulsory School in Norway.’]. Oslo, Norway: Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet.

• [4] LK06, ‘English subject curriculum,’ revised version (Aug. 2013) The Norwegian LK06, in English. Utdanningsdirektoratet (Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research). Web. http://goo.gl/gJlaH9

• [5] LK06, ‘English subject curriculum,’ revised version (Aug. 2013) The Norwegian LK06, in Norwegian. Utdanningsdirektoratet (Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research). Web. http://goo.gl/o87vEh

• [6] Odelstinget 2000. Sak nr.11, møte i Odelstinget den 13. juni. Web. Retrieved on June 2015 from https://goo.gl/PbU93o

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