— [http://goo.gl/d2AcGj] Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union provides that:_______________________"Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements."

:: RT: ‪#Brexit ▶ https://goo.gl/jkaXNe ◀ In 1975 the United Kingdom held a referendum on whether the UK should remain in the EEC. All of the major political parties and mainstream press supported continuing membership of the EEC. However, there were significant splits within the ruling Labour party, the membership of which had voted 2:1 in favour of withdrawal at a one-day party conference on 26 April 1975. Since the cabinet was split between strongly pro-European and strongly anti-European ministers, Harold Wilson suspended the constitutional convention of Cabinet collective responsibility and allowed ministers to publicly campaign on either side. Seven of the twenty-three members of the cabinet opposed EEC membership.


After the announcement of the outcome of the referendum on 24 June 2016, indicating that Britain would leave the European Union, a Times columnist, Philip Collins, went this way in his analysis: "This was a referendum about immigration disguised as a referendum about the European Union." ::

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  1. Boris [Johnson] says the people have spoken. But all the key claims that Leave used to persuade them have been removed from its website. Breathtaking. #Brexit

    1. @MyStephanomics: Boris makes Shakespeare's Iago look non manipulative.

      *Iago is a fictional character in Shakespeare's Othello (c. 1601–1604). Iago is the play's main antagonist, and Othello's standard bearer. He is Emilia's husband, who is in turn the attendant of Othello's wife Desdemona. Iago hates Othello and devises a plan to destroy him by making him believe that his wife is having an affair with his lieutenant, Michael Cassio.

  2. @MyStephanomics: Err, you may not have noticed but the campaign is over. The Vote Leave website and everything else is being shut down. Doh!

  3. We should stop sending £350 million per week to unelected politicians in Brussels. :>)


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