— [http://goo.gl/noQLpX] “Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.”_______________________“Out of our minds”(2001) 2011.

:: RT: Sir Ken Robinson ▶ http://goo.gl/WkQehf ◀ Bring on the learning revolution! ↠ #Education #Pedagogy #Teachers #Inspiring #Persuasive

I meet all kinds of people who don't enjoy what they do. They simply go through their lives getting on with it. They get no great pleasure from what they do. They endure it rather than enjoy it, and wait for the weekend.

But I also meet people who love what they do and couldn't imagine doing anything else. If you said, "Don't do this anymore," they'd wonder what you're talking about. It isn't what they do, it's who they are. They say, "But this is me, you know. It would be foolish to abandon this, because it speaks to my most authentic self."


"The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything," by Sir Ken Robinson, 2009, PDF ::

The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, PDF - Official Website - BenjaminMadeira

Click on the links Click on the links to watch the videoclips below so you can watch the videoclips ::


Sir Ken Robinson: Bring On The Learning Revolution! ::

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• [1] Robinson, Ken. 2011. Out of our minds. Learning to be creative. Capstone Publishing LTD. West Sussex, UK. Print.

• [2] Robinson, Ken. The element: How finding your passion changes everything. Penguin, 2009. Print.

• [3] Robinson, Ken. "Bring on the learning revolution! Ted Talks." (2010). Web.

• [4] Robinson, Ken. "Pedagogy: Bring on the learning revolution!" In: Benjamin Madeira: Microblogging, Visual, PDF/PPT/MP4, Auditory, MP3/Podcast, Digital, Multimedia, 2016. Web. http://goo.gl/WkQehf

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