— [http://goo.gl/noQLpX] “Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.”_______________________“Out of our minds”(2001) 2011.
"The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything," by Sir Ken Robinson, 2009, PDF ::

• 01. Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! - English, closed-caption
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• [1] Robinson, Ken. 2011. Out of our minds. Learning to be creative. Capstone Publishing LTD. West Sussex, UK. Print.
• [2] Robinson, Ken. The element: How finding your passion changes everything. Penguin, 2009. Print.
• [3] Robinson, Ken. "Bring on the learning revolution! Ted Talks." (2010). Web.
• [4] Robinson, Ken. "Pedagogy: Bring on the learning revolution!" In: Benjamin Madeira: Microblogging, Visual, PDF/PPT/MP4, Auditory, MP3/Podcast, Digital, Multimedia, 2016. Web. http://goo.gl/WkQehf
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